Pregnancy Risks
of Periodontal Disease

Protect Yourself and Your Child

Most women are aware that smoking, drinking, and drug use have negative effects on pregnancy. Something that many women may not be aware of is the effect that having gum disease has on pregnant women.

There are studies that show pregnant women may be at a higher risk of giving birth to pre-erm and low birth weight babies when they have gum disease. Any active infection in pregnant women should be avoided at all costs; gum disease is a living, breathing infection in your mouth.

Gum Disease and Moms-to-Be

How can your gums affect the weight of the fetus? It has to do with the fact that periodontal disease causes bacterial infections. Pregnant women should avoid any situation where they can obtain an infection, knowing that there may be repercussions on their health or that of the unborn baby. It’s becoming clear that an infection of gum tissues is no exception.

Women who have experienced problems with their oral health are most likely to experience gingivitis (the earliest form of gum disease) during pregnancy. Even tissues in the mouth undergo changes during pregnancy. Gingivitis usually appears in the second or third month and can last all the way through the eighth month of pregnancy. If your gums bleed when you brush and floss, this could indicate that you have gingivitis.

If a dental professional does not treat these red and swollen gums, the condition can deteriorate to periodontal disease, which can attack the gums and bone surrounding the teeth and eventually lead to tooth loss. The natural space between your teeth and gums becomes infected. Pockets can form where bacteria thrive. Researchers at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill believe that toxins are then released into the bloodstream, and the body reacts by producing chemicals that cause premature labor.
